Westfield Nursery is owned and privately run by qualified nursery practitioners Emma Pearson and Rebecca Wilson. It opened its doors for the first time in October 1997.
Westfield Nursery is Emma and Rebecca’s only nursery and we are very proud of its excellent reputation and we endeavour to uphold this at all times.
Westfield Nursery is a purpose built nursery positioned in its own private grounds in the middle of a residential area on Idle Moor. It is registered to cater for 82 children at any one time in five individual playrooms (separate building for pre-school).
Westfield Nursery has extensive, safely enclosed outdoor areas with a completely separate area for the pre-school children.
Emma and Rebecca are joint managers/officers in charge and are very much ‘hands on’ within the nursery.
Westfield Nursery is an active member of the ‘National Day Nurseries Association’ with Emma and Rebecca attending the Bradford Network Meetings on a regular basis.
Westfield Nursery is open from 7.30am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Its closes all public bank holidays and for one week at Christmas.